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Polynesien - SüdseeHelp For Paula: Die Vorbereitung 1

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Tonga -> Tonga-Portal -> Help For Paula -> Die Vorbereitung 1

Tonga| <<--Tonga-Portal | <-- Help for Paula | Die Vorbereitung 2 --> | Königreich

Segeln nach Samoa| Die Vorbereitung auf der Werft 1 | Preparations in the wharf 1 | sailing to samoa

Paulas Vorbereitungen 1     -     The Preparations 1

Hafen Tongatapu Tonga

The old mast and it’s sail must be replaced and newly designed.

The sail must be designed & calculated...

His friend Tipeti cuts the "borrowed" tissue from the land- and gardenstore.



letzter tonganischer Segelmacher

110 Jahre alte Singer Nähmaschine

Already his grand-  grandfather had used the 110 year old Singer. He will pass it on to his son, when he’ll retire.

Today he is the only sailmaker in Tongatapu.

Meanwhile, Paula saws, chissels and sands at the wharf.

Paula   sawing1t

Schiffsbau Tonga

Taulua Press Tongatapu  Tonga   nesi1t

Mia went to Taulua- Press, to ask them to print some posters.

Heidelberg offset1

50 posters are being printed to be hung in the pubs and restaurants of Nuku’alofa.

Die alte Presse von der Bergstrasse rattert 50 Poster durch...

Heidelberg Offset Presse    offsetting1t

Tonganische Presse taina1t

Paula gives his first interview for the tongan press.
The picture should be published at

Astrid & Paula

Fortsetzung Segelvorbereitung Tonga Samoa ->
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